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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Ted Kennedy and Richard Land Team Up Again!

For the second time in the past few weeks, Richard Land has found himself on the same side of the aisle as Senator Ted Kennedy.

Melissa Rogers has the story HERE...
"[On March 29, 2007,] Senators Kennedy, Graham, Salazar, and Menendez and Representatives Gutierrez and Flake joined leading conservative evangelical voices for comprehensive immigration reform. Dr. Richard Land, President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, and Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Leadership Conference, along with forty other Hispanic evangelicals, issued an “Evangelical Call to Action on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.”
There is even a video of Land and Kennedy via Faith in Public Life. Check it out.

Kudos to Dick Land. First he teams up with Kennedy, the "liberal" National Council of Churches, and the same-sex endorsing Religious Action Center for Reform Judaism. Now, just a few weeks later Land is getting his picture taken with Ted Kennedy AGAIN!

Merely a decade or two ago, Roger Moran and other Southern Baptist fundamentalists were giving moderate ethics and religious liberty leaders hell for participating in coalitions with groups such as Americans United and People for the American Way. Let's not forget that these same leaders regularly were involved in coalitions with VERY conservative organizations as well.

Heck, just a few months ago 2nd Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Wiley Drake, was moaning and groaning because Rick Warren invited Barack Obama to speak at his AIDS Conference. I believe good ole Wiley dubbed Obama, "THE ENEMY."

I'm curious - are the Roger Morans of the Southern Baptist Convention slightly bothered that Richard Land is regularly partnering with that Massachusetts liberal Ted Kennedy?

Perhaps Southern Baptists have realized that working with liberals and their organizations to further a specific goal is not so bad after all....

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