My Hero...The Honorable John Lewis
Everyone knows the figurehead of the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr., but do you know The Honorable John Lewis?
In a day and age when our elected officials disappoint and let us down, John Lewis has emerged as one of our nations true moral leaders - never ceasing to fight the good fight against injustices here in the United States and abroad. He is a genuine American hero.
For over 40 years, John Lewis has led with courage as both a key player in the Civil Rights Movement and as a member of Congress representing Georgia's 5th district. Congressman Lewis' incredible life can't be summed up in a paragraph or two. Please read this three page biography and if you have the time - read his account of the Civil Rights Movement in Walking With The Wind (1998)
All of this leads to our main topic of discussion - the "National Conference on the Voting Rights Act of 1965" held just a couple of days ago hosted by, my favorite former employer, Congressman John Lewis. While this Conference celebrated policymakers and activists who helped to make the 1965 Act possible - the future of the Voting Rights Act was the main item of discussion. In 2007, key provisions of the Act will expire.
However, it appears that Republican support for the reauthorization of the VRA is growing. Prominent Republicans including the chairman of the judiciary committee in the House, Rep. James Sensenbrenner, have come out in favor of extending the VRA as was done in '68, '72, and '82. Congressman Lewis plans to introduce a resolution within the next week to get lawmakers on record supporting reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act.
For more info on the Voting Rights Act - check out the National Commission on the VRA!