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Friday, June 01, 2007

Priests and Prophets: Saving Soul Freedom

Back in February, Dr. James Dunn, former Executive-Director of the Baptist Joint Committee and current visiting professor at the Wake Forest University Divinity School, delivered the Walter B. and Kay W. Shurden Lectures on Religious Liberty and the Separation of Church and State.

Below is a snippet from his lecture entitled "Priests and Prophets"
“If soul freedom is important,
If the priesthood of all believers is more than a slogan,
If one insists on interpreting the Bible for himself/herself,
If one defends the right of each person to come to the Bible and led by the Holy Spirit seek its truth,
If one believes that she must accept Jesus Christ personally, freely or not really …
If in the fellowship of churches each one is autonomous….
If religious liberty is the password to public witness and the separation of church and state is essentially corollary,
If no mortal has the power to suppress, curtail, rule out or reign over the will of the congregation,
You have probably been baptistified.”

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Blogger Brett said...

Hey, Big Daddy Weave. Thanks for your postings on Dr. Dunn. He has spoken at my church in New York on Religious Liberty Sunday the past several years (although not this year). I love to hear him speak.

9:02 PM


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